University of Nebraska Medical Center

Breakfast Meetings with Graduate Studies Leadership

Graduate Studies is hosting monthly breakfast meetings to encourage communication between students and Graduate Studies leadership! The following people attend this meeting each month:

  • Kristin Wipfler, GSA President
  • Terri Vadovski, Director of Graduate Studies
  • Dr. Dele Davies, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean for Graduate Studies
  • Dr. Jim Turpen, Executive Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
  • Dr. Pam Carmines, Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies

Two students are invited to attend each of these meetings as well! This is an excellent opportunity to share your ideas and have your voice heard by a group of student advocates. These meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month from 7:30am-8:30am (yes, it’s early, but the food is very good!). If you’re interested in attending one of these meetings, please email!


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