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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Graduate Student Association

Tech Talk Seminar

The next Tech Talk seminar will be held on January 10 at 1pm in DRCI 1004. Note the change to the usual location! Dr. Shuwei Xie will give a talk on super-resolution microscopy. The Tech Talk seminar series features research that uses UNMC core facility technologies. Speakers include core scientists, principal investigators, instrument tech reps, […]

Jan 3, 2017

GSA Monthly Meeting

Due to the holidays and the start of a new semester, we will be meeting on the second Thursday instead of the first Thursday for our next meeting. Join us for GSA’s January monthly meeting on January 12 at 12:30pm. This change in date comes with a change in location as well. We will be […]

Jan 3, 2017

Student Networking Night

GSA is beginning a Student Networking Night series for the spring semester to give students an opportunity to learn about professional development, identify career opportunities, and meet people in fields they may be interested in. Watch out for additional announcements about more events in this series throughout the semester! Join us at Barrett’s Barleycorn on […]

Jan 3, 2017