University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Issues

Student Forum

In light of the state budget challenges and the changes in leadership that will result from the recent elections, UNMC is hosting two forums for students to have an opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and learn more about available resources that promote well-being. These will be held on Monday, November 21 from noon to […]

Nov 14, 2016

Student Senate Town Hall

Student Senate is holding town hall events for each college on campus in order to understand and address the concerns of the student body while increasing Student Senate transparency and visibility. Students are encouraged to attend, meet with your representatives in Student Senate, and voice any questions, concerns, or ideas you may have. The town […]

Nov 14, 2016

Breakfast Meetings with Graduate Studies Leadership

Graduate Studies is hosting monthly breakfast meetings to encourage communication between students and Graduate Studies leadership! The following people attend this meeting each month: Kristin Wipfler, GSA President Terri Vadovski, Director of Graduate Studies Dr. Dele Davies, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean for Graduate Studies Dr. Jim Turpen, Executive Associate Dean for Graduate […]

Sep 26, 2016