University of Nebraska Medical Center

Promoting Your Science Workshop -10/31 Must Register

The UNMC Vice Chancellor for Research Office is offering a workshop on Tuesday, October 31st from 9am to 11am in the Buffett Cancer Center’s 1st floor auditorium, room 0.12.103. Registration is required, and space is limited.

Join Jennifer Larsen, MD, to learn how to develop your “Elevator Pitch” and to be able to easily explain your research to members of the community in ways they can understand. Dr. Larsen will present tips for preparing a 30 second, 1 minute, and 5 minute summary of your research when talking to the public.

During this workshop, learn simple steps to crafting these summaries and get an opportunity for personal preparation and practice of the delivery with others at the event. These skills should prove useful as you continue to promote your research and network with others in your field.

Register at this link: https://unmcredcap.unmc.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=AC8LHYYX38

This event will be live-streamed for individuals not located on the main UNMC campus, although attendance in-person would allow you to prepare and practice your “pitch” with others. For more information, visit the UNMC Today article announcing this workshop:https://www.unmc.edu/newsroom/2017/10/25/promoting-your-science-the-art-of-the-elevator-pitch/

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