University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: RSTE

We’re almost there…

Thank you to those SAHP faculty and staff who have already participated in this year’s United Way campaign. As of yesterday morning, the SAHP was leading the way on campus with 89% participation, and that’s awesome! We want to be even awesomer, however, by hitting 100% participation again for the third year in a row. […]

Sep 26, 2014

Publication for RSTE: Jones and Stevens

Congratulations to Tammy Jones, MPA, RT(R)(M), and Kristy Stevens, R.T.(R)(T), on the publication of their article in Radiologic Technology, “Dense Breast Notification: Anatomy, Imaging, and Patient Awareness,” vol 86:1, p17-22. Tammy is our program director in Radiography, CVIT, and CT, and Kristy is a student in our Radiation Therapy program. Well done!

Sep 23, 2014

Nuclear Medicine Student and Graduate Participate in Mock Drill

Healthcare professionals put aside their scrubs and wore radiation protective gear for a mock nuclear explosion drill in Scottsbluff on Wednesday. One of our graduates along with one of our current students, both from the nuclear medicine program, participated. Lauren Hess, a 2011 graduate and now a staff technologist at Regional West Medical Center (RWMC) […]

Sep 19, 2014