University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Research

Education Technology Collaboration (ETC) Special Interest Group

Want to learn how colleagues are experimenting and implementing educational technology? The Education Technology Collaboration (ETC) meets the first Thursday of every month from noon – 1:00 in the eLearning Lab (8th floor WH). Lunch is provided! “It’s a good networking opportunity with people from all UNMC Colleges and Nebraska Medicine,” said Betsy Becker, co-chair. […]

Dec 28, 2015

Collaborative Ittner grant funded for Dr. Corrine Hanson

Corrine Hanson, PhD, RD, Associate Professor in medical nutrition education, recently received funding for a collaborative grant by the Edna Ittner Foundation for $55,000. The Primary Investigator is Shirley Delair, MD, MPH, College of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Dr. Hanson is a co-investigator, along with Ann Anderson-Berry, MD, PhD, College of Medicine, Division of Newborn […]

Dec 18, 2015

Hoffman presents on IPE research at CAB-V conference

Erin Hoffman, MPAS, PA-C, academic director in our physician assistant education program, was invited to present a research poster at the recent CAB-V Conference (Collaborating Across Borders) in Virginia. This represents research she’s engaged in with the College of Public Health, College of Nursing, and College of Medicine on interprofessional education (IPE). Other poster authors […]

Nov 17, 2015