University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Genetic Counseling

Individually Rare, Collectively Common

By Elyssa Gray, Erin Loughney, & Katie Tlusty Rare disease dayOver 300 million people worldwide are affected by a rare disease. In the United States alone, there are over 7,000 rare diseases affecting around 30 million people. Individually, these diseases are rare, but rare diseases are collectively common. Rare diseases span the medical spectrum from […]

Feb 24, 2021

7 Keys to Making it to the Finish Line

By Charlie King | student in genetic counseling As I enter the final week of my first year as a Genetic Counseling student, I find myself reflecting on my past nine months at UNMC. The rollercoaster that is graduate school is an eventful ride. I have felt a macroarray (genetic counseling joke) of emotions. Emotions […]

May 4, 2020

Genetic Counseling Match Day

by Katie Tlusty, genetic counseling student A confetti cannon. A confetti cannon is what I think of somebody talks about Match Day. Faculty and staff from the UNMC Genetic Counseling Program, College of Allied Health Professionals, and Munroe-Meyer Institute shot off a confetti cannon on Match Day last year to celebrate the news of who […]

Apr 24, 2020

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