University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Research

Dr. Bilek gives tips on exercising when diagnosed with cancer

CAHP Associate Dean for Research, Laura Bilek, PT, PhD, presented, “Cancer Survivors: Enhancing Health with Exercise, One Step at a Time,” at the Science Cafe in Kearney on Monday. Survivors frequently ask, “How do I exercise if I don’t feel good?!” Dr. Bilek discussed the specific benefits of exercise for the cancer survivor and offered […]

Mar 30, 2017

Hanson to present in Prague

In May, associate professor in medical nutrition, Corrine Hanson, PhD, will attend the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Annual Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, where her research poster, Levels of Pro-vitamin A Compounds and Tocopherol in Mother-infant Pairs from Midwest USA and Correlations with Fetal Growth, was chosen as a “poster […]

Feb 21, 2017

Kudos from NASA

Physical therapy education associate professor, Ka-Chun “Joseph” Siu, PhD, and post-doc, Jung Hung “JC” Chien, PhD, attended the annual NASA Human Research Program conference with a few exciting successes! “Our MObile MOtion CApture system (MO2CA) project poster received the highest recognition,” said Dr. Siu. Dr. Chien also received special recognition with the NASA Space Biomedical […]

Jan 27, 2017