University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: frontpage

Imhoff and Donner publish lessons learned

Innovations in Health Sciences Education Journal recently published a paper from Associate Program Director and Assistant Professor Marnie Imhoff and Microbiology Coordinator and Assistant Professor Linsey Donner, PhD, both in the UNMC medical laboratory science program. “Lessons Learned Creating Microbiology Laboratory Demonstration Videos,” describes how they created microbiology laboratory demonstration videos to be used as […]

Aug 2, 2023

Marnie Imhoff and Linsey Donner

Welcome new staff: Nicholas Hanson

Nicholas Hanson, BS, recently joined our Respiratory Care staff as Education Program Coordinator. Here’s more about Nicholas in his own words: “I received my bachelor’s degree in 2021 from the University of Nebraska Omaha, where I studied History and Political Science. Currently, I am enrolled at Emporia State University, where I am working to receive […]

Jul 14, 2023

Welcome new faculty: Andy Marking

Andy Marking, MHA, RRT, recently joined our respiratory care faculty as an assistant professor and director of clinical education. Here’s more about Andy in his own words: I am looking forward to the transition from Nebraska Medicine to UNMC to be a part of the development and implementation of the inaugural master’s in respiratory care […]

Jun 29, 2023