Category: Clinical Laboratory Science
In support of the clinical laboratory professionals who provided patient care as a result of the November Paris Terror Attacks, the UNMC CLS faculty and students participated in the ‘Adopt a Parisian Lab’ program. They sent holiday wishes and thanks for the laboratory professional’s dedication to quality patient care to 14 clinical laboratories in Paris […]
Feb 15, 2016
Recruiting for the Class of 2030: Part I
Which grandma can say she has her grandson’s (and daughter’s) DNA at home in the freezer? This one! It’s a different sort of holiday story. My eight-year-old grandson, Nick, wanted math or science stuff this past Christmas, so we blinded him with science. We fulfilled his digital wish list of flash cards, experiment sets, a […]
Jan 12, 2016
Education Technology Collaboration (ETC) Special Interest Group
Want to learn how colleagues are experimenting and implementing educational technology? The Education Technology Collaboration (ETC) meets the first Thursday of every month from noon – 1:00 in the eLearning Lab (8th floor WH). Lunch is provided! “It’s a good networking opportunity with people from all UNMC Colleges and Nebraska Medicine,” said Betsy Becker, co-chair. […]
Dec 28, 2015
Recent Posts
- by Jeffrey RobbInterim Chancellor H. Dele Davies, MD, also discussed UNMC's community engagement efforts and updates from around UNMC.
- by Jeffrey RobbFood and festivities will be available from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Wigton Heritage Center.
- by Jeffrey RobbFostering the Future is collecting cleaning supplies and household tools to help young individuals transition out of foster care.
- by Jeffrey RobbUtility work is being performed in the area for the UNMC residence hall project.
- by Jeffrey RobbHow can I get enough nutrients without consuming too many calories?