University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Welcome intern Abbey Kegley

Abbey Kegley started interning for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs last year and has been a huge help. Here’s more about Abbey in her own words: Since beginning my internship at UNMC I have had a blast expanding my knowledge of higher education and Student Affairs. Writing and communications have always been strong interests and […]

Feb 7, 2023

Abbey Kegley

Welcome new intern: Logan Rich

Logan Rich recently joined our Enrollment Management and Student Affairs team as a media and communications intern. Here’s more about Logan in his own words: At a young age, I knew I wanted to be an artist in some shape or form. In high school I took a handful of art classes, including an Intro […]

Feb 6, 2023

Logan Rich

Perfusion student garners national award

First year clinical perfusion student Jennifer Gavin-Veyna is the recipient of the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology (AmSECT) Safety Committee Essay award. AmSECT is the national professional society for perfusion. Not only was Jennifer awarded a financial scholarship, but her work will be published in the AmSECT Today digital magazine, as well. Clinical Perfusion Program […]

Feb 1, 2023

Jennifer Gavin-Veyna