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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Research

Newest face in the SAHP

Melissa Meisinger, MA, recently joined the SAHP as a Research Training Exercise Coordinator working with Dr. Laura Bilek on her NIH funded grant. Melissa received both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from UNO in exercise science. In her spare time, she likes spending time with her nieces and nephew, as well as Braxton, her 5-year-old […]

Sep 29, 2014

Jones, Venema, and Skinner publish in Journal of Rural Health

Congratulations to Katherine Jones, PT, PhD, Dawn Venema, PT, PhD, and Anne Skinner, BS, RHIA, who recently published in the Journal of Rural Health. This paper reflects work that led to their grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for the CAPTURE Falls project. Jones KJ, Venema DM, Nailon R, Skinner AM, High […]

Sep 15, 2014

Dr. Katherine Jones’ CAPTURE Falls research in the news

Chadron Community Hospital CAPTUREs Falls May 27, 2014 12:10 pm Rapid City Journal Chadron Community Hospital and Health Services (CCH&HS) has a tradition of working with staff and patients to provide the safest care possible. In an effort to further reduce inpatient fall risk, the hospital joined with 17 hospitals across Nebraska and researchers at […]

May 29, 2014