Category: Cytotechnology
Important: Have you documented your flu vaccine status, yet?
The shot is optional (though highly recommended), but documentation is a MUST! And it only takes a minute online. The online influenza vaccine verification, accessible through a UNMC or Nebraska Medicine computer, allows colleagues to indicate their choice of vaccination: receipt of vaccine reason for vaccine declination vaccination received elsewhere The expectation is for 100 […]
Dec 5, 2016

Cyber Security: Be Aware. Be Accountable.
All UNMC faculty, staff, and students must complete the information security awareness training in Blackboard by December 31, 2016. Vigilance is needed everywhere – on campus, at home, in government – as there are huge potential financial, HIPAA, FERPA, research, and personal privacy risks. Our colleagues are our frontline defense against potential breaches. You are […]
Oct 27, 2016

Donnelly elected to executive board
Amber Donnelly, PhD, MPH, SCT(ASCP), director of the Cytotechnology program, has recently been elected to serve a 4-year term on the Executive Board of the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC). This is the highest position a cytotechnologist member can hold in the national organization. The society is comprised of both Pathologist and Cytotechnologist members. The […]
Oct 14, 2016

Recent Posts
- by Jeffrey RobbThe center will support experiential learning for students, preceptors and clinical partners throughout Nebraska and beyond.
- by Jeffrey RobbThe forum coincides with Interim Chancellor H. Dele Davies, MD, visiting Norfolk and the UNMC College of Nursing Northern Division.
- by Jeffrey RobbDuring the April 10 event, attendees can see demonstrations of UNMC's latest e-learning projects and talk with the developers.
- by Jeffrey RobbAttend the med center’s annual e-waste recycling and document shredding as one of many events planned for Earth Month.
- by Jeffrey RobbSee the latest news involving UNMC health care experts, educators and researchers.