University of Nebraska Medical Center

Allied Health Blog

Another publication for the school

Grace Johnson just had a case management report published: Johnson GC. Physical Therapy Management of a Patient with Cervicothoracic Dysfunction and Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Case Report. Orthop Phys Ther Prac. 2011;23(3):133-138. Congratulations, Grace! (Email Fran if you’d like a copy of the report.)

Aug 10, 2011

Welcome, new faces in SAHP!

Here’s a little video introduction to some of the new folks in the school. Kris Lausterer, PT, MHS, OCS, is the new Director of Clinical Education in the Division of Physical Therapy Education. He has been a practicing physical therapist for 18 years and has had the opportunity to practice in a variety of clinical […]

Aug 4, 2011

SAHP Staff Reorganization Table

The table linked in UNMC Today regarding the SAHP staff reorganization has been updated. Full article.

Aug 2, 2011