University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Preventing Patient Falls – a Team Effort

Nineteen hospitals across Nebraska are implementing an evidence-based approach to keeping patients upright and reducing injuries from preventable falls. Watch this video of Katherine Jones, PT, PhD, associate professor in physical therapy education, and Carol Kampschneider, RN, MSN, V.P. of Clinical and Regulatory Services at St. Francis Memorial Hospital in West Point, NE, being interviewed […]

Mar 25, 2015

Two future PT students in the news

Jennifer and Amanda Lauer are sisters coming to physical therapy school this year after graduation from UNL. They are both Husker gymnasts and along with fellow seniors, Jessie DeZiel and Desire’ Stephens, have played a big role in the Huskers’ success the past four seasons. Read their story in the Lincoln Journal Star>> Photo by […]

Mar 10, 2015

Winter Essentials Drive a Success

We cleaned out our closets and/or brought in necessities for the annual Winter Essentials drive sponsored by our Student Ambassadors. The Ambassadors took those items to a local non-profit charity organization, We Can Make a Difference, who delivered them to the Siena/Francis House. They estimated that over 150 people were fed and clothed, and provided […]

Dec 10, 2014