University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to another CAHP baby!

Congratulations to Geri Finn, BA, Education Academic Coordinator in Physician Assistant Education, who had her baby on Sunday, November 8, 2015. Patrick Anthony Michael was born at 7:25 PM, 7 lbs 8 oz. Welcome to the CAHP family, Patrick!

Nov 18, 2015

Graduate student receives travel scholarship

Chun-Kai (Kai) Huang, MS, recently received the competitive Force & Motion Travel Scholarship ($500) from the Force and Motion Foundation to attend an upcoming scientific conference in 2016 and present his PhD work. Congratulations, Kai!

Oct 7, 2015

Second-year PT student wins 1/2 marathon

Congratulations to Katie White, a student in her second year of PT school, who won the Lincoln Women’s 1/2 Marathon. She covered the 13.1-mile race in 1 hour, 18 minutes, 16 seconds. Read the article in the Lincoln Journal Star.

May 13, 2015