University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Kerissa Hanson joins the School staff in PT Ed

Kerissa Hanson, BA, is the new program coordinator for physical therapy education. Here’s a little bit about Kerissa, in her own words: “After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri, in December, 2003, I moved to Washington, D.C., where I worked for several years. Upon returning to Omaha in […]

Jul 3, 2014

Where on UNMC is Fran? …

No, it isn’t throwback Thursday. Elephanto is still wandering the halls of UNMC and has landed in Bennett Hall 3012. This is our new home for SAHP Communications. Why do you need to know this? Please, see me first for all your brand and communications needs: fliers, programs, and publications, T-shirt/apparel designs, photos, social media, […]

Jun 30, 2014

Welcome another SAHP baby!

Ryan Wessel, staff in our physician assistant program, and his wife, Katie, have a new baby boy! Elden Patrick Wessel was born on May 19, 2014 at 7.3 pounds and 19.75 inches. All are doing well. Congratulations to the Wessel family!

Jun 3, 2014