University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Cytotechnology

Important info regarding Outlook email lists

The public distribution email list “Names” are in the process of being created in Outlook; however, they will not be auto-populated by March 6th. IT is still working on a process to do this. It is probably easiest to recreate smaller lists. You can still use the lists in Lotus Notes after March 6th and […]

Mar 1, 2012

TV Monitors in Bennett and Sorrell are temporarily suspended

The system used to log in to and update the TV monitors on campus has been offline since Friday. Consequently, the slides may be outdated, including the room scheduling monitors outside the classrooms. Sorry for the inconvenience, but, hopefully, it will be restored quickly.

Feb 8, 2012

Come celebrate!

Silver U Celebration Tuesday, February 21, 2012 8:15 am – 8:45 am Bennett Hall Reading Room (3011)

Feb 1, 2012
