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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Clinical Laboratory Science

Another Master in our midst: congratulations to Linda Sykora, MSEd

Linda Sykora, MSEd, MLS(ASCP)CMSHCM , instructor and hematology coordinator in our clinical laboratory science education program graduated in December with her Master’s Degree in Education. Congratulations, Linda!

Jan 15, 2014

Welcome Nicole Smith to the CLS faculty!

Nicole Smith, MT(ASCP), received her Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science and Minor in Anthropology from the University of North Dakota in 2002. She has worked at The Nebraska Medical Center in Hematology and Chemistry (Core Lab) since May of 2002.  “I am very excited about my new role as clinical coordinator for Chemistry, Urinalysis, […]

Jan 7, 2014

SAHP Adopts a Family for the Holidays

This year, UNMC partnered with The Nebraska Medical Center to adopt families we serve at the hospital and UNMC who face challenges during the holidays. The School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) adopted a family from the NICU — a mom, dad, and son — and collected approximately $400 with which to shop for items on the […]

Dec 19, 2013