University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Clinical Laboratory Science

Photos from the SAHP Holiday Party 1-17-2014

By all accounts, it was a great time. The School of Allied Health Professions hosted a holiday party for faculty and staff at 1316 Jones Street on Friday, January 17, 2014, and despite the cold weather we had a good turnout. The venue was nice, the food was super, and the attendees looked smashing! See for yourself… […]

Jan 23, 2014

2013 Holiday Slideshow

I’ve had a few requests for the slideshow I made for the SAHP holiday party, so here you go. These are photos I’d taken of our faculty and staff throughout 2013 at various events. If you’re in the school, you’re bound to be in there. The music isn’t included, as I used a playlist I made […]

Jan 21, 2014

Another Master in our midst: congratulations to Linda Sykora, MSEd

Linda Sykora, MSEd, MLS(ASCP)CMSHCM , instructor and hematology coordinator in our clinical laboratory science education program graduated in December with her Master’s Degree in Education. Congratulations, Linda!

Jan 15, 2014