Author: Fran Higgins
Okay, maybe that’s a subjective title. If you measure success in smiles, however, it’s spot on. Just look through the pictures UNMC posted to Flickr! Everybody was having a good time. Even the folks with whipped cream dripping off their faces were smiling. The money donated for a chance to “pie” someone did go to […]
Nov 1, 2013
Congratulations to Lisa Bartenhagen!
Submitted by Tanya Custer Lisa Bartenhagen, MS, RT(R)(T), program director in our Radiation Therapy program, recently collaborated with the American Society of Radiologic Technologist to create a teaching module on Image Guided Radiation Therapy. Lisa’s directed reading within the module was titled Image Guided Radiation Therapy: Overview. The module will help radiation therapy educators teach […]
Oct 31, 2013
A hint of spud lingered near the third floor entrance to Bennett Hall even after the last scavenger hunt team passed the potato. Yes, that was the task at my Spirit Week volunteer station. As each team lined up below the walkway from Wittson to Bennett, I placed a large potato between the first person’s […]
Oct 30, 2013
Recent Posts
- by Jeffrey RobbResearchers led by UNMC's Bryant England, MD, PhD, studied data for patients with rheumatoid arthritis interstitial lung disease.
- by Jeffrey RobbSee the latest news involving UNMC health care experts, educators and researchers.
- by Jeffrey RobbStarting in the fall semester. the two divisions can accept international students into Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs.
- by Sarah HankinNicholas Markin, MD, now is vice chair of education and innovation in the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology.
- by Jeffrey RobbInterim Chancellor H. Dele Davies, MD, also discussed UNMC's community engagement efforts and updates from around UNMC.