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Alumni Association – Connections Project

Saving Time & Feeling Better Through Meal Prep

In the busy lives of students and working professionals, it can be hard to find time to make and eat healthy meals. Logan Franck, PharmD’17 and his wife have found a solution that works for them – advance meal prep. In just a few hours each week, Dr. Franck has all of his meals planned […]

Sep 21, 2022

Overcoming Barriers in Advocacy Work

Advocacy work is something many UNMC students, staff and alumni engage in at UNMC, in their communities, through national organizations, and more. This work can be extremely rewarding, but it is often also challenging. Carli Zegers, PhD’19, APRN, FNP-BC has engaged in this work for many years. While at UNMC, she founded the Nebraska Chapter […]

Sep 14, 2022

Creating a Budget & Setting Financial Goals

Jed R. Hansen, PhD’21, APRN, RNP-C, prior to getting his degrees in nursing, earned a degree in finance and worked in the financial sector. Having a budget and setting financial goals has always been a priority for him. As a student, it can be hard to find and stick to a budget. Dr. Hansen shares […]

Sep 7, 2022

The Benefits of Yoga & Meditation

We know some of you attended UNMC Goat Yoga last week and the photos were so fun! Yoga is one form of mindfulness that Brandy Sundberg BS’02, RT(R), RDMS shares about in the blog today. Brandy has been practicing yoga for nearly 20 years and is a yoga instructor. She shares the physical and mental […]

Aug 31, 2022

Advice for Students Considering a PhD Program

Sachi Verma, MPH’17, is currently working on her PhD at UNMC. In this two-minute video, she shares advice for those who are considering earning a PhD. One of the most important tips – start preparing now! Be sure to watch and take note of her suggestions if this is something you can see in your […]

Aug 24, 2022

Advice to Student Researchers

UNMC is known for it’s leading research and innovation in the health sciences, and many of our incoming students will have the opportunity to engage in this research. Mike Kozal, MD’88, Internal Medicine’91 shares a few pieces of advice for any student who is completing research at UNMC and beyond.

Aug 10, 2022

Professional Development Opportunities for UNMC Students

It’s hard to believe August is here and a new group of students will be starting their education at UNMC. This month, the Connections Project Blog will be featuring advice and opportunities for students who will be arriving on campus soon. To start, UNMC College of Dentistry alum Grant Essink, DDS’17, MS shares a few […]

Aug 3, 2022

Advocating for Yourself

Advocating for yourself isn’t always the easiest thing to do. However, it is an important action students and professionals alike need to do to gain opportunities, experiences and more. It might be hard, but it’s worth it. Jillian Negri, DNP’17, APRN-NP, ACNP-BC reminds us of the importance of advocating for yourself.

Jul 27, 2022

Asset Allocation

It’s the final installment of our series Investing for Retirement for Healthcare Professionals! Now that you know what mutual funds and bonds are, how do you know which (and how much of each) to invest in? Dan Hyslop, MD’82 concludes his presentation by sharing how you can divide up your portfolio among stocks, mutual funds, […]

Jul 20, 2022

Timing the Market

A common message you might hear about investing is “buy low and sell high.” While this makes sense in theory, it may not be the best strategy long-term. In the penultimate part of Dan Hyslop, MD’82’s series on investing for retirement, he shares a data-backed perspective on timing the market.

Jul 13, 2022