University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Individually Rare, Collectively Common

By Elyssa Gray, Erin Loughney, & Katie Tlusty Rare disease dayOver 300 million people worldwide are affected by a rare disease. In the United States alone, there are over 7,000 rare diseases affecting around 30 million people. Individually, these diseases are rare, but rare diseases are collectively common. Rare diseases span the medical spectrum from […]

Feb 24, 2021

Students’ food drive a success

In mid-November, students from various CAHP programs ran a campus-wide food drive for Thanksgiving. They collected a total of 663 items: 555 in Omaha and 108 in Kearney. The drive was sponsored by SUN-APTA, the Students of the University of Nebraska-American Physical Therapy Association, as a fall philanthropy project. Donations went to Heartland Hope Mission […]

Dec 1, 2020

PPE preparation for PT clinical education experiences

The health and wellness of our students, faculty, and staff is a primary point of focus this semester. In PT Education, a dedicated team of faculty and staff came together to procure personal protective equipment (PPE) for 192 DPT students and the faculty members and lab instructors teaching clinical skills labs for the Fall 2020 […]

Oct 2, 2020