University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized


by Fran Higgins 5/31/2011 It started with a simple email request from Dawn, a member of the PT faculty: “Wanna get some exercise today? I need to get about 4-5 wheelchairs from the Student Life Center (SLC) over to the hospital ward of the Clinical Skills Lab in Sorrell today.” This seemed to fit in […]

May 31, 2011

Happy National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week!

The clinical laboratory professional is a key member of today’s health care team. Laboratory professionals have the skills to unlock important medical information that is pivotal to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. (www.ascls.org) April 24-30, 2011, is National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (NMLPW), which recognizes the work of the medical laboratory scientists who […]

Apr 26, 2011

Important Upcoming Events

Please plan to attend these three upcoming faculty events: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 noon-1:00PM BTH 2020 Research Seminar: Deb Vetter, Director of Sponsored Programs Administration “SPA & finding research funding from local, state, & foundation sources” Wednesday, April 27, 2011 noon-1:00PM BTH 2020 Research Seminar: Pat Leuschen will share the results of the Research Resources […]

Apr 13, 2011