University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Congratulations, Grandma Tompkins!

Jan Tompkins would like to introduce her new grand-daughter: Genevieve Mary Tompkins April 8, 2012, 5:21 AM 7 lb. 8 oz., 20.5 in Aaaaawww…congrats!

Apr 16, 2012

Welcome to Mavrick Christian Afrank

Mavrick Christian Afrank, 7 lbs 7 oz, was born to Emily and Kyle Afrank. Emily is a third year physical therapy student. Congratulations!

Feb 8, 2012

Eight Secrets of Brainstorming

Take these into consideration before you go into your next meeting: 1) Look at change as fuel 2) Accept all ideas 3) Defer judgment 4) Reduce status (all are equals) 5) Avoid idea smashers 6) Declare your point of view 7) Say “Yes, and…” (instead of “No, but…”) 8) Re-discover your innovative self 9) Have LOTS […]

Jan 6, 2012