University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Physical Therapy

Walkway on 4th floor is open!

Once again, we can travel from Bennett Hall to Sorrell without braving the heat!

Aug 2, 2012

Katherine Jones receives the Chancellor's Silver U award!

Katherine Jones, PT, PhD, received this month’s Chancellor’s Silver U award, given monthly to employees whose overall performance is above and beyond the scope of their position. Congratulations, Dr. Jones!

Jul 24, 2012

Wanna slash your sodium?

Dr. Pat Hageman’s research is related to sodium reduction in a diet. She provided the following information to help you slash sodium! Here’s how to decipher those food labels: “Sodium free” or “Salt free”: Contains less than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving. “Unsalted” or “No salt added”: No salt has been added. “Very low in sodium”: […]

Jul 23, 2012