University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Physical Therapy

Dr. Turman brings USA Hockey to Omaha

By Tony Lee Special to USAHockey.com The USA Warriors, a renowned non-profit that helps wounded veterans rehabilitate through hockey, was honored this summer with the Humanitarian Achievement Award at the University of Nebraska Medical Center Physical Therapy Education Graduation Breakfast. The video below is Mike Vaccaro’s inspiring keynote talk from the breakfast. Mike is a […]

Aug 29, 2012

Kathy Burke finishes RAGBRAI 2012

RAGBRAI, a bike ride across Iowa, has become the longest, largest and oldest bicycle touring event in the world. Kathy Burke, PhD, rode in the 40th RAGBRAI. “I’m not sure how many riders in all,” said Dr. Burke. “I heard estimates of 14,000 registered cyclists, with many many more unregistered riders joining in for a […]

Aug 10, 2012

Walkway on 4th floor is open!

Once again, we can travel from Bennett Hall to Sorrell without braving the heat!

Aug 2, 2012