University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Physical Therapy

Congratulations to Mary Wood, Silver U recipient

Mary Wood was awarded the Chancellor’s Silver U for November, 2013. The celebration will be on Thursday, November 21, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. in the Bennett Hall Reading Room. Congratulations, Mary!

Nov 7, 2013

Spirit Week a Success!

Okay, maybe that’s a subjective title. If you measure success in smiles, however, it’s spot on. Just look through the pictures UNMC posted to Flickr! Everybody was having a good time. Even the folks with whipped cream dripping off their faces were smiling. The money donated for a chance to “pie” someone did go to […]

Nov 1, 2013

PT Awardees in the news

In case you missed this in UNMC Today: Dawn Venema, Ph.D., and Sara Bills, of UNMC’s department of physical therapy education, were honored…

Oct 25, 2013