University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Extended Family

RSTE grads run "colorful" 5k for fun and charity

Stephanie Vas, clinical coordinator in our CT/MRI program, along with two friends, Jen Langemeier, and Ellie Miller, ran the Color Run on July 14th. This 5k run/walk raises money for the Habitat for Humanity of Omaha, and there were over 13,000 participants this year!  All three went through the UNMC Radiography program. Then, Jen and Stephanie graduated from […]

Jul 19, 2012

New SAHP video

This video was created as part of our ongoing efforts to educate the public on what allied health professions are: vital members of the health care team who comprise about 60% of the health care workforce! Please share it liberally. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YlR8oYZbxo]

Jun 22, 2012

The Ramblers are ramblin' on…

The Ramblers made this short “motivational” video as part of our step challenge. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/RQDTE2bNz-o

Jun 1, 2012