University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Extended Family

Karst uses humor to recruit for Heart Walk

Gregory Karst, PT, PhD, our executive associate dean and CAHP Heart Walk team captain showed fun team spirit in order to recruit walkers. Take a minute, have a laugh, and follow him through downtown Omaha in this short promo video! Afterward, you’ll surely want to help the American Heart Association and join the team!

Apr 11, 2017

MITS decorates Ronald McDonald House in annual tradition

Students and faculty in the Department of Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Sciences recently helped decorate the Ronald McDonald House for the holidays. James Temme, associate professor, made chili for everyone to enjoy afterward, an annual tradition.

Dec 20, 2016

PT2 Mannequin Challenge

In case you’re unaware of the newest craze sweeping social media, our UNMC PT2s are ready to show you. They made a Mannequin Challenge video this morning in the PT student lab. Watch it on Twitter! Want to know more about the challenge? Here’s a short wiki article: Mannequin Challenge.

Nov 18, 2016

PT students doing a mannequin challenge in the lab