University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Clarification on the Skate-a-Thon

It may not have been clear in my initial post or in the marketing about the UNMC Skate-a-Thon, but YOU DON’T HAVE TO SKATE THE WHOLE TIME! When you sign up, you’ll choose the block of time you want to participate. It’s going to be a great time so don’t miss out. What: UNMC Parkinson’s Skate-A-Thon When: […]

Jan 7, 2011

…and from last night’s news…Reggie Harbourne

A unique study, taking place in Omaha, is helping premature babies learn, grow and explore their world. Reggie Harbourne, courtesy associate professor in physical therapy education and associate professor at MMI appeared on the news last night to talk about her current research. The full article and video are no longer available on ketv.com.

Dec 27, 2010

Kurz in Winter Discover Magazine

Max Kurz, PhD, courtesy assistant professor in physical therapy education and director of biomechanics at the MMI is in the Winter 2010 edition of UNMC Discover. Click here for the magazine in pdf format and check out pages 20-21 to read, “This is your brain after rehab,” about Dr. Kurz’ research using MEG to discover […]

Dec 27, 2010