Author: Derek Sullivan

A Message from Dr. Steven Wengel

I am delighted to introduce this inaugural edition of UNMC’s Wellness Newsletter! I’m very glad you are reading this, and I very much hope you’ll find stories to inspire you in your own wellness and wellbeing. First off, let me introduce myself. I grew up in Omaha and attended UNL as a pre-medical student in […]

Jan 21, 2019

Executive Fellowship educates health professionals on addiction medicine

Editor’s Note: The Addiction Medicine Executive Fellowship is not currently accepting applicants. In November, Dr. Ken Zoucha, with help from the addictions division, started an Addiction Medicine Executive Fellowship to educate residents and health professionals on addiction medicine. “I felt that getting more education about addiction medicine into the curriculum was necessary and was really […]

Dec 21, 2018

APA honors Dr. Mark Fleisher for his contributions to the field of psychiatry

The American Psychiatric Association has recognized UNMC Professor Mark Fleisher as a Distinguished Life Fellow. Dr. Fleisher, who joined UNMC in 1991, will be honored at the APA Annual Meeting on May 20 in San Francisco, California. “Becoming a Distinguished Life Fellow of the APA is a very significant honor to me. I recognize it […]

Dec 21, 2018

Dr. Baumgartner will join geriatric psychiatry division in July

Dr. Andrew Baumgartner said it was an easy decision to accept a position working with two of his favorite mentors. Dr. Baumgartner has accepted an instructor position with the UNMC Department of Psychiatry. He will also see patients at Home Instead Center for Successful Aging (HICSA) with geriatric psychiatrists Dr. Steven Wengel and Dr. Thomas […]

Dec 21, 2018

Dr. Strong receives American Psychiatric Association honor

Dr. Sheritta Strong has been awarded the 2018-2019 Nancy C.A. Roeske, MD, Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Medical Student Education by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The certificate is awarded annually to APA members who have made outstanding and sustaining contributions to medical student education. Dr. Strong received the award for all of Dr. […]

Dec 19, 2018

As Nebraska delegate, Dr. Balasanova authors resolution to promote use of clinically accurate terminology

Alёna A. Balasanova, MD, FAPA is the Nebraska delegate to the Young Physicians Section of the AMA, where she also serves on the Strategy and Leadership Committee. At the AMA Interim Meeting November 8-13 in National Harbor, Maryland, Dr. Balasanova authored a resolution to promote the use of clinically accurate, nonjudgmental terminology related to substance […]

Dec 4, 2018

SPOTLIGHT: Arica Lerdahl

Arica Lerdahl Research Assistant What are your duties as a research assistant? We are currently working on two studies. I work on recruiting subjects for each study and coordinating their appointments. I also score the forms that the subjects fill out and organize the data we collect. For one of the studies, I also assist […]

Dec 4, 2018

Staff celebrates Batey’s long career

Bill Batey has retired after working 28 years as a psychotherapist for UNMC/Nebraska Medicine. Batey started in 1990 and worked for four different chairs during his time. His final day was Nov. 16. “I stayed because it was a nice, stable situation. I always enjoyed the patients, and I’m going to miss them the most,” […]

Dec 4, 2018

Dr. Dana Raml will join UNMC faculty in August 2019

Dr. Dana Raml has accepted a faculty and clinical position in the UNMC Department of Psychiatry. Raml, who is currently in her fourth year as a Creighton/UNMC resident, will join the faculty in August. The decision to remain in Omaha was an easy one for Dr. Raml, who attended Lincoln East High School and the […]

Dec 4, 2018

UNMC doctors discuss postpartum depression

Dr. Sharon Hammer, Dr. Marley Doyle, and nurse practitioner Leigh Cook led a discussion on postpartum depression as part of UNMC’s Science Café Series. The panel discussion was held on Nov. 13 at The Showdown in Omaha. Joining the panel was Nebraska Medicine nurse Lisa Blair, who discussed her struggles and treatment of postpartum depression. […]

Dec 4, 2018