FWC Gourmet Group

The group will have a pot luck dinner at Mary Beth Gust's home at 6:00 PM.

FWC Pickleball/Badminton group

The group will meet at the UNMC Recreational Center on October 2nd at 3 PM. and then have dinner after at Claudianna and Gordon Todd's home.

FWC “Happy Hour” group

The group will meet on Oct. 5th (note date change) at the Tiny House Bar ( 1411 South 13th Street) at 6 PM

FWC Board Meeting

The Board will meet at 6:30PM at DO Space (7205 Dodge Street)

Daytime Book Club

The group will review "How the Word is Passed" by Clint Smith this month.

Daytime Book Club

The Daytime Book Club will meet to discuss "How the Word is Passed" this month.

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