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Dining Out 6 PM

Dining Out will meet this month at Barrel & Vine (1311 South 203rd Street)

FWC Spring Dinner 6 PM Field Club

The dinner will be held at the Omaha Field Club at 6:00 PM. Our keynote speaker will be Gina Ligon, PhD,Professor of Collaboration Science, Director of the National Counterterrism Innovation, Technology and Education Center at UNO. Installation of Officers for the FWC for 2022-23 will occur also at this time.

Pickleball/Badminton 3-5 PM

Laura and Tony Bilek will  host a dinner at their home following Pickleball. It will be a barbecue in their lovely hillside backyard.

FWC Daytime Book Club

The Daytime book club will review "When Time Stopped" by Arianna Newmann this month.

FWC Hiking 10:00 AM

The group will meet at Chaco Hills June 11th at 10:00 to hike the 2,6 mile loop.

“Dining Out” 6:00 PM

The final "Dining Out" group get together of this year will be in Bellevue at Luigi's Italian restaurant ( 101 West Mission Avenue).

FWC “Happy Hour” 6 PM

The "Happy Hour" group will meet on June 20th at The Jewell ( 1030 Capitol Avenue) for drinks and conversation.

FWC Board meeting -6:30 PM

The Board will meet at the DO building on 72nd and Dodge in the Board Room to the right on the first floor.