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Evening Book Club

The group will discuss "White Tears/Brown Scars" by Ruby Hammed

Dining Out Group

The Dining out group will meet Saturday, February 19th at Taxi's Bar and Grill on 120th and Blondo between 5 and 5:30 PM

Happy Hour Group

The group will meet at Proof ( 120 South 31st Avenue)

Needle Arts

Needle Arts will meet at Mary Gurney's home (if her kitchen remodel is finished)


The Pickleball Group will meet at the Rec Center with masks from 3-5 PM followed by pizza at the home of Claudianna and Gordon Todd.

Daytime Book Club

The Daytime Book Club will meet at Patty Sparks Home to discuss "The Rhythm Boys of Omaha Central" by Steve Marantz

FWC Gourmet Group

The Gourmet group will begin meeting in person at Julie Sebastian's home

Needle Arts

Needle Arts will meet at Claudianna's home today

FWC Board Meeting

The FWC Board will meet at Theresa's home.  We also can meet by Zoom for those who can not attend in person..

FWC “Happy Hour”

The group will meet this month at The Cottonwood room ( 302 South36th Street)

FWC Evening Book Club

The Evening Book Club will review "Ariadne" by Jennifer Saint. Carrie Meyers will lead the discussion this evening.

FWC “Hiking Group”

The Hiking Group has moved its March 12th hike to March 19th because of weather concerns