University of Nebraska Medical Center

Allied Health Blog

Next SAHP Research Seminar December 16

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, Mark Christiansen, PA, PhD will present, “Using Mixed Methods Research in Educational Settings,” for the final SAHP Research Seminar of the year. This will take place from noon to 1:00 p.m. in Bennett Hall 2020. Mark your calendars!

Dec 2, 2009

We Have a Winner…But…

Jill Carson in Public Relations was the first to correctly identify my whereabouts in the “Where in UNMC” contest, with Michelle Simon in Distance Education a close second. (Michelle also identified Elephanto’s location in the photo, so I’ll have to think of something special for her.) However… Elephanto met with a little accident this morning, […]

Nov 23, 2009

Where in UNMC…?

The UNMC campus is a beautiful place to work and study, and it’s also a healthy environment, especially since the campus went tobacco-free. In a comment to this post, be the first to correctly identify my location in this picture and Elephanto will join you at your desk for the next week or two. Can you […]

Nov 23, 2009

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