University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Still time to bid…

You have until 4:00 PM today to bid on the auction items in Bennett Hall 3011 before the auction moves to Elmwood Park tomorrow. Bidding will be open at the Fun Run until noon. Come check out the awesome stuff, find a great deal, and support the run and our students! Hope to see you […]

Sep 16, 2011

SAHP's Darwin Brown names the tower

“Hope” was announced as the name of the campus art feature at the Tuesday dedication ceremony for the Ruth and Bill Scott Student Plaza. The name was based on the suggestion of “Hope Tower,” which was submitted by Darwin Brown, assistant professor in the physician assistant program in the School of Allied Health Professions. Full […]

Sep 14, 2011

Silent Auction Starts Tomorrow

A silent auction starts tomorrow to help cover the cost of the SAHP Fun Run and allow our students to attend at no cost. Bidding starts on Tuesday, September 13th at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 17th at the Fun Run. (You do not need to be present to win.) Items up […]

Sep 12, 2011