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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Help Fran fight extreme poverty

I’ve been living on $1.50 worth of food per day since Monday and will continue through Friday…by choice. 1.4 billion people currently live below the poverty line and don’t have a choice. In today’s world, extreme poverty and inequality are unjustifiable and unfair. Live Below the Line demonstrates the problem in a concrete way, while […]

May 9, 2012

Congratulations, Grandma Tompkins!

Jan Tompkins would like to introduce her new grand-daughter: Genevieve Mary Tompkins April 8, 2012, 5:21 AM 7 lb. 8 oz., 20.5 in Aaaaawww…congrats!

Apr 16, 2012

Welcome to Mavrick Christian Afrank

Mavrick Christian Afrank, 7 lbs 7 oz, was born to Emily and Kyle Afrank. Emily is a third year physical therapy student. Congratulations!

Feb 8, 2012