University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Custer, a hard-core runner!

  Tanya Custer, MS, RT(R)(T), instructor in Radiation Sciences Technology Education just returned from running the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco on October 16th. “I’d rank it up there with having kids,” said Tanya. “It was amazing!” It didn’t hurt that at the end of the race, the runners were presented with Tiffany necklaces […]

Oct 18, 2011

Goodbye, and Good Luck, Melinda!

Today is Melinda Finken’s last day in the Physician Assistant Program. Melinda has been an office associate at UNMC for eight years, and we’ll miss her. Best wishes, Melinda!

Oct 14, 2011

C'mon SAHP! Let's get 100% participation on this…

If you’ve already clicked the United Way link in your email and said yes or no, then thank you! If not, please do so. It takes about 30 seconds. REMEMBER: Participation doesn’t equate to donation (although the United Way would gladly accept your money); and Participation makes you eligible to win some pretty awesome prizes.

Oct 4, 2011