University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

David Letterman's Top 10 List for what should be at Kim Ager's Window!

10. Broadway lighting 9.  Sliding Window 8.  Trick shock pen (leave it on the counter and when people click it they will get a nice little jolt of electricity) 7.  Flashing OPEN sign (an old one where you can hear the electricity as the sign lights on and off) 6.  Vibrating Coaster (the ones you get […]

Dec 15, 2011

Skating at UNMC

Here’s a short video from last week at the ice rink to test the new capability to post videos on the blog. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXLmsPQ2Ag4&w=500&h=310]

Dec 6, 2011

Let them eat cake…or maybe not!

This is a cake that the Radiography students on the Columbus campus made for a hospital competition at Columbus Community Hospital. They won the cake decorating contest — first out of eight entries — and received a pizza party for the radiology department. Wow! Happy Halloween!  

Oct 26, 2011