University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Research

Jones and Patient Safety team present at AHRQ conference

Katherine Jones, PT, PhD; Anne Skinner, RHIA, MS; and Victoria Kennel, MA, presented results from their 3-year patient safety project at the 2015 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Research Conference in Crystal City, VA on October 6, 2015. The title of their poster presentation was, “Producing Evidence to Make Healthcare Safer: Implementation and […]

Oct 9, 2015

Sasek publishes in JAAPA on postconcussive syndrome

Cody Sasek, MPAS, PA-C, an academic director in our PA program, published, “Postconcussive syndrome in a high school athlete,”  in the Oct 2015 edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. Cody collaborated with a physician with whom he had previously worked in his clinical practice before coming to UNMC, resulting in […]

Oct 1, 2015

Michael and Custer take first place in SDMS competition

Kim Michael, director of the diagnostic medical sonography education program, and Tanya Custer, assistant professor in RSTE, were selected as the first place winners in the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) Scientific Presentation Competition for there winning entry, “Using the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table in the Education of Imaging Science Students.” The Scientific Presentation […]

Aug 19, 2015

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