University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Research

Dr. Siu funded for 3D printing research grant

Ka-Chun (Joseph) Siu, PhD, Associate Professor in physical therapy education and director of the Chinese MS-DPT Program, was awarded a collaboration seed grant (among UNMC, UNO, UNL and UNK). Dr. Siu is Co-PI with Dr. Zuniga (PI) at UNO. This project is to develop and test low-cost 3D printed prostheses to restore and improve function of […]

Jun 13, 2017

Ka-Chun (Joseph) Siu, PhD

Two new grants for Dr. Corri Hanson

The Center for Patient, Family, and Community Engagement in Chronic Care Management (CENTRIC) at UNMC funded a proposal, “Fiber Intake and the Microbiome in Asthma: the BREATHE Easy Trial,” from Corri Hanson, PhD, associate professor in medical nutrition education. Her team will analyze the microbiome, short-chain fatty acid production, inflammatory biomarkers and pro-resolving mediators in […]

Jun 9, 2017

2017 Annual CAHP Awards Ceremony and Forum

The annual College of Allied Health Professions Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 from 1:05 p.m. to 2:00 p.m in MSC 3002. Dawn Venema, PT, PhD, assistant professor in physical therapy education, and Ben Greenfield, MPS, LP, CCP, adjunct assistant professor in clinical perfusion education, will be honored for Excellence in […]

Apr 27, 2017