University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Physical Therapy

A Visit to MU

Jack Turman, Jr, PhD, and Pat O’Neil, BS, visited the MU campus last week. Here are a couple of photos from the trip.

Jul 25, 2011

Congratulations, Anne Skinner!

Anne Skinner in our Physical Therapy program is the July recipient of the Silver U award. Please mark your calendars for our next SAHP social at which Anne will be recognized: August 24th at 3:00 p.m. Location TBA. (Rumor has it there may be ice cream!) Congratulations, Anne!

Jul 8, 2011

PT Alums Visit UNMC

Members of the Physical Therapy class of 1981 met for their 30-year reunion on June 17 and 18, 2011. They came from as far away as Wyoming, Texas, and California. Kyle Meyer, PhD, PT, senior associate dean of the School of Allied Health Professions, welcomed them and led a tour of the UNMC campus on […]

Jun 27, 2011