University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Physical Therapy

Study findings show lifestyle change lowers blood pressure

Rural Nebraska women, ages 40-69, with prehypertension (high normal blood pressure) were able to achieve reductions in blood pressure and attain normotensive blood pressure (< 120/80 mm Hg) following a distance delivered (web-based or print-mailed)  healthy eating and activity intervention, according to the recently published paper by Patricia Hageman, Carol Pullen, and colleagues in the […]

Jan 19, 2015

Alum hired as PT clin ed director

Nikki Sleddens, PT, MPT, CEEAA, is the new director of clinical education for our physical therapy program. She graduated from the UNMC PT Program in 1995. Since graduating, Nikki has worked in a variety of clinical settings with the majority of her clinical work being with geriatric clients in the inpatient and home health setting. She made the transition […]

Jan 16, 2015

PT Student, first-ever UNMC recipient of the Midwest Deans Legacy Scholarship

Third-year physical therapy student, Anne Woodruff, is the recipient of the Midwest Deans 2014 Legacy Scholarship. She is the first-ever recipient from UNMC! This scholarship program was established to honor the legacies of current and former deans and directors of the Midwest Association of Allied Health Deans of Academic Health Centers. The scholarship is awarded to […]

Jan 5, 2015