University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Physical Therapy

Katherine Jones Recognized

Katherine Jones has been a member of the Nebraska Stroke Advisory Council (NSAC) since 2006. She conducted an assessment of acute stroke treatment in Nebraska hospitals in 2006 that NSAC members have used as a road map for improving acute stroke systems of care across the state including EMS education about recognition of signs and […]

Mar 4, 2011

Hageman’s appointment gives voice to rural Nebraskans

Patricia Hageman, Ph.D., professor and former program director of physical therapy education in the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s School of Allied Health Professions, has been appointed to a three-year term on a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) external advisory committee. Dr. Hageman is the only Nebraskan on the 21-member committee appointed by Kathleen […]

Mar 1, 2011

Go, SAHP, Go!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 22, 2011, the School of Allied Health Professions will be up against the College of Nursing in a friendly competition to see which group can raise its pledge participation percentage the most in the UNMC LiveGreen pledge race. Let’s do it, people! If you haven’t already taken the pledge, please take it […]

Feb 21, 2011