Category: Nutrition
Talent Tuesday — Brush off your whoppers to prepare for April Fool's Day
Set aside, for just a day, what you heard about George Washington never telling a lie and the warning of Pinocchio’s long nose. April Fool’s Day is coming and it’s time to prepare some good whoppers. Talent Tuesday is here to help. Employees are invited to participate in UNMC’s first Liar’s Contest, set for noon, […]
Mar 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in BTH 2020, Katherine Jones, PT, PhD will present, “Stroke Rehabilitation in Nebraska Hospitals.”
Mar 8, 2011
The race for the most pledges is on TODAY between the SAHP and the College of Nursing. Let’s do this, Allied Health! If you haven’t done it already, take the green pledge (then remember to turn off lights and monitors). Simple.
Mar 8, 2011
Recent Posts
- by Jeffrey RobbNancy McCormick holds a record for the 85-89 age group and just elevated to a new group in January.
- by Jeffrey RobbChristina Calamaro, PhD, is the speaker for the Anna Marie Jensen Cramer Memorial Lectureship.
- by Jeffrey RobbPharmacy's Dr. Hopkins will be academic vice chair of the American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry.
- by Maria BallAs Interim Chair of the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, I am pleased to offer my first message in the departmental newsletter. First, I recognize the tremendous contributions of Dr. Deb Romberger to the department and her rich and lasting legacy. I will do my best to live up to her example and keep the […]
- by Jeffrey RobbMind the Gap: The Ongoing Psychiatrist Shortage