Category: Kudos
Fiber-rich Diet May Reduce Lung Disease
Press Release, January 22, 2016 – A diet rich in fiber may not only protect against diabetes and heart disease, it may reduce the risk of developing lung disease, according to new research published online, ahead of print in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Analyzing data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination […]
Jan 25, 2016

Custer and Michael publish Anatomage research
Tanya Custer, MS, RT(R)(T), assistant professor in Radiation Science Technology Education, and Kim Michael, MA, RT(R), RDMS, RVT, program director of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, were published in the Journal of Tomography and Simulation. The article, “The Utilization of the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table in the Education of Imaging Science Students,” documents their research investigating the […]
Dec 31, 2015

Collaborative Ittner grant funded for Dr. Corrine Hanson
Corrine Hanson, PhD, RD, Associate Professor in medical nutrition education, recently received funding for a collaborative grant by the Edna Ittner Foundation for $55,000. The Primary Investigator is Shirley Delair, MD, MPH, College of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Dr. Hanson is a co-investigator, along with Ann Anderson-Berry, MD, PhD, College of Medicine, Division of Newborn […]
Dec 18, 2015

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