Category: Associate Dean’s Office
CLS Faculty Collaborates with Biocontainment Unit Personnel
In preparation for possible patients in The Nebraska Medical Center (TNMC) biocontainment unit, TNMC and The Nebraska Public Health Lab (NPHL) are reaching out to the Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) Program to help with training employees in some manual laboratory techniques, such as manual white blood cell counts. If possible, items in the biocontainment unit […]
Aug 12, 2014
Dr. Meyer selected as chair of Midwest Deans Association
Kyle Meyer, PhD, PT, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Allied Health Professions, was selected by his colleagues to serve as chair of the Midwest Deans Association. Institutional members of the association include colleges and schools of allied health at eighteen Midwest academic health science centers who are also member institutions of the Association […]
Aug 7, 2014
Dr. Norman receives highest honor from NPTA
Joe Norman, PT, PhD, FAACVPR, CCS, has been selected to receive the 2014 Mary Ellen Sacksteder Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of Physical Therapy by the Nebraska Physical Therapy Association (NPTA). The award is based on multiple criteria and represents the highest honor bestowed by the NPTA. Dr. Norman will be presented the […]
Jul 22, 2014
Recent Posts
- by Jeffrey RobbInterim Chancellor H. Dele Davies, MD, also discussed UNMC's community engagement efforts and updates from around UNMC.
- by Jeffrey RobbFood and festivities will be available from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Wigton Heritage Center.
- by Jeffrey RobbFostering the Future is collecting cleaning supplies and household tools to help young individuals transition out of foster care.
- by Jeffrey RobbUtility work is being performed in the area for the UNMC residence hall project.
- by Jeffrey RobbHow can I get enough nutrients without consuming too many calories?