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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Faculty members — get your picture taken on Sept. 15

A photographer will be available on Wednesday, Sept. 15 between 10 a.m. and noon to shoot free professional head shots for faculty members. The photo shoots — which should last just a few minutes each — will take place in the atrium outside of the Truhlsen Campus Events Center in the Sorrell Center. If you […]

Aug 16, 2010

Physical Therapy Student Wins Competition

As reported in the UNMC Today, Chuck Kasson, a UNMC Physical Therapy student, won the heavyweight division of the North American Highlander Competition last weekend. The competition was a strength contest similar to the World’s Strongest Man, in which Kasson and other competitors flipped tires, lifted logs and moved other objects that weighed hundreds of […]

Aug 6, 2010

Generation of curiosity isn't the problem…

“The problem is the generation of a curiosity that always asks a question that in turn spurs one on to a physical act in pursuit of an answer.” This quote comes from Back in Keith County, by John Janovy, Jr., Varner Professor of Biological Sciences at UNL. I’m reading the book for my English Master’s comps and […]

Jul 19, 2010