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Category: Professional Development

A collection of blog posts related to all forms of professional development, including: communication, time management, and more.

The Importance of Networking

For Sydne Stubbs, Dental Hygiene’16, networking has always been important. However, when she switched careers and became a travel agent, networking took on even more significance. In the video below, she shares why this practice is so crucial for her profession and others.

Feb 22, 2024

How to Find a Mentor

Axel Vazquez Deida, PharmD, MPH ’22, BCIDP, AAHIVP, has been passionate about mentorship throughout his career. He shares tips for students and professionals on how to find a mentor through networking in different fields.

Oct 25, 2023

Musings on Mentorship

By Amy Thimm, BSN’91, RN Mentorship is something I’ve always believed in. From college on, we were told to find a mentor and develop a relationship, and I’ve always done that. Even without a formal mentor, you can still find one silently. A silent mentor is someone who may not know that they are mentoring […]

Jul 19, 2023

Nurse’s Week: Transitioning From RN to DNP

Austin Clark, BSN ‘18, DNP ‘22, shares his experience transitioning from a registered nurse to a nurse practitioner. Transitioning From RN to DNP Transitioning from a registered nurse to a nurse practitioner is no easy feat. There are the educational requirements, increases in scope of practice, legal and regulatory requirements, and interpersonal and leadership responsibilities […]

May 10, 2023

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

The end of each year is a natural time to reflect on where you’ve been, where you are and where you want to be. As the new year approaches, you might start thinking about changes you’d like to make or what you’d like to accomplish going forward. Whatever your goals are, it’s important to continue […]

Dec 1, 2022

Tips for Starting Your Own Business

In March of 2018, Mike Moravec, PT, DPT’04, OCS opened his own physical therapy clinic, Bluffs Physical Therapy, in Scottsbluff, Neb. He and his wife, Lisa Moravec, RDH’02, MSDH, share advice to UNMC students and alumni who would like to open their own business. Whether it is something you would like to do soon, or […]

Oct 25, 2022

Understanding & Handling Adverse Outcomes

Mistakes are a part of life. While no one wants to make a mistake, it’s inevitable that you will make one a time or two. Knowing how to respond when you mess up can make a big difference both personally and professionally. Scott Sanderson, MPS, CCP, LP’12 understands this and shares the advice he gives […]

Oct 19, 2022

Advice for Students Considering a PhD Program

Sachi Verma, MPH’17, is currently working on her PhD at UNMC. In this two-minute video, she shares advice for those who are considering earning a PhD. One of the most important tips – start preparing now! Be sure to watch and take note of her suggestions if this is something you can see in your […]

Aug 24, 2022

Professional Development Opportunities for UNMC Students

It’s hard to believe August is here and a new group of students will be starting their education at UNMC. This month, the Connections Project Blog will be featuring advice and opportunities for students who will be arriving on campus soon. To start, UNMC College of Dentistry alum Grant Essink, DDS’17, MS shares a few […]

Aug 3, 2022

Advocating for Yourself

Advocating for yourself isn’t always the easiest thing to do. However, it is an important action students and professionals alike need to do to gain opportunities, experiences and more. It might be hard, but it’s worth it. Jillian Negri, DNP’17, APRN-NP, ACNP-BC reminds us of the importance of advocating for yourself.

Jul 27, 2022