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Category: Professional Development

A collection of blog posts related to all forms of professional development, including: communication, time management, and more.

Advice to Graduating Students

Happy Graduation Week! Congratulations to all of the students who will be joining the #UNMCalumni family this week. We can’t wait to celebrate with you! Tyler Housh, MLS’19 offers his top piece of advice for new grads in under a minute in this week’s Connections Project Blog.

May 4, 2022

Working on Inter-Professional Teams

In healthcare, and many other fields, knowing how to work on an inter-professional team is a critical skill. Collaborating with others who bring different experience can lead to better outcomes in your work. It can also help expand your perspective and approach to problems, too. Our alumni have experience working on teams like this. Sarah […]

Apr 20, 2022

The Importance of Professional Societies

Are you a member of your professional society? If not, there are many reasons why you should consider joining – especially if you are a student about to graduate! Randy Heibel, DDS’78, MAGD, ABGD CDR (ret) shares a few benefits that come from joining your professional society.

Apr 13, 2022

Becoming an Advocate

Knowing how to advocate is critical. Whether advocating on behalf of a patient, advocating for social change, or advocating for yourself, understanding the necessary skills to be a good advocate is important. Desi Bailey, MD’75 has been involved in advocacy work throughout her life, most recently with the American Medical Association and GLMA: Health Professionals […]

Mar 2, 2022

The #1 Interview Question

Interview season is upon us. For those graduating in May or looking for an internship, it’s time to start dusting off those resumes and prepping for interviews. You can always browse the internet to find interview resources, but why not take advice from someone who interviews firsthand? Scott Sanderson, MPS, CCP, LP’12 interviews potential students […]

Feb 16, 2022

Communication in a Professional Setting

By Ryan Bristol APRN’17, FNP-C  Navigating conversations with people who share a different set of beliefs, and/or education level is a skill that is vastly underrated. We all have colleagues who share different views and may even be difficult to get along with. However, we do share core values to some extent with these colleagues. The shared core values (wanting to help people) create […]

Oct 20, 2021

The Importance of Maintaining Connections with Classmates

Your UNMC classmates have been through a lot with you. You spent hours studying, stressed over exams — and celebrated being done with those exams — attended events together, and more. You stood next to one another at graduation and as each of you accomplished your goals. Jessica Semin, BSN’15, MPH’17, DNP’21 has stayed in […]

Sep 2, 2021

My Journey with Medicine, Psychiatry & Mental Health

By: Lauren Edwards, MD’13 On Medical School: I know some people aim to be doctors or surgeons since childhood, and while that’s wonderful, my path was very different. It felt very much like a winding journey through the wilderness, and I just followed my gut when I got to a fork in the road. I […]

Aug 4, 2021

Tips for Negotiating Salary

By: Lisa Bilek, PhD ’13 Negotiating a salary can be such an unusual position to find yourself in, but it is important. If you have never done this before, you are typically asking for more money from someone that you have never met. Typically, it is someone from human resources (HR). The HR person will […]

Jul 7, 2021

LinkedIn Tips & Tricks

Shalis Ammons, PhD’16 and Prathamesh Patil, PhD’18 have both used the professional networking platform, LinkedIn, to create a strong digital presence and land jobs since graduating from UNMC. This week, Drs. Ammons and Patil share practical steps students and alumni can take to maximize their profile’s search engine optimization and positively market themselves to potential […]

Jun 4, 2021