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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Kudos

Congratulations to Tami Ritsema on a recent publication in British journal

Tami Ritsema, MPH, MMSc, PA-C, had a recent publication, “Doctor Satisfaction with the Physician Associate Role,” in Clinical  Medicine: The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians. This is the first article to survey doctors in Britain about their experiences with the new PA role there. Congratulations, Tami!

Apr 17, 2014

Kudos to faculty with recent publications: Hoffman, Michael, Wampler, and Hanson

Erin Hoffman from the Physician Assistant program published in the official journal of the Association of Family Practice Physician Assistants: Hoffman E. Fever in the Young Infant, Advance for NPs & PAs, Mar 2014 Kim Michael and Kate Wampler from the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program: Michael K, Wampler K, Shostrom VK, Boals M, Anderson JC. […]

Apr 16, 2014

Welcome and congratulations to Sara Bills!

Sara Bills, PT, DPT, GCS, joined our Division of Physical Therapy Education faculty. She also recently published this article about an inspiring patient for whom she cared. Below are some facts about Sara, in her own words: I live in Lincoln with my husband, Charlie, and two children, where we are blessed with three sets […]

Apr 7, 2014